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Saxophone Fingering Chart: Complete video guide for beginners in 33 step by step videos

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Saxophone Fingering Chart: Complete video guide for beginners in 33 step by step videos

Friday, January 9, 2015 8:41 PM
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I've been teaching saxophone for about 10 years now. During the last couple of years I've had students from different parts of the world take lessons from me, both online by video and through Skype.

There are some real benefits with online resources and guides, but they will never replace one on one teaching and the way you are able to directly help your students.

Still, there are many aspiring saxophone players who either don't have a saxophone teacher in there area or they cannot find the time to schedule lessons. They still want to learn, but on there own.

I wanted to create a great resource that teach all the basic fingerings on saxophone in a easy to follow step by step guide. 

This resulted in what I'm calling "The most comprehensive saxophone fingering chart", which include 33 step by step videos.

The videos cover all the basic fingerings within the normal register along with the alternate variations which are available. The project took about a month to complete with recording and editing.

I want to let everybody here know about this resource as I made it with the intent to share it freely online.

The fingering chart guide also includes a PDF download.

All the graphics for the PDF was created using an awesome tool by Bret Pimentel called the fingering diagram builder. (used with permission).

The complete fingering chart is available on my website The Saxophone Hub, a website I run where students can learn saxophone online. As I mentioned above, I believe one on one instructions can never be replaced, but my goal and intenton is to provide a really good alternative to those who simply want to learn from home on their own schedule.

Feel free to use and refer to the fingering chart as much as you'd like. It was made to be used!

View it here: http://saxhub.com/saxophone-fingering-chart/

Thanks for reading my post. Happy playing!


Greger Hillman
Swedish saxophone teacher




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