NASA's History
The North American Saxophone Alliance is an organization made up of individuals who share a common interest in the saxophone. Members include professional performers, university professors, public school teachers, students of all levels, and others who have an interest in the saxophone. In addition to the Alliance's emphasis on disseminating information concerning the saxophone, the organization also works to provide opportunities for its members to make music, fostering fellowship among saxophone enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.

The origins of the North American Saxophone Alliance date from the First World Saxophone Congress, held in Chicago in December of 1969. Following the lead of our colleagues in France, who created the Association of French Saxophonists in 1971, the North American Saxophone Alliance was established in 1976 under the leadership of Frederick Hemke. Since then, NASA has offered state, regional, and international conferences attracting many important saxophonists to present performances, lectures and master classes. NASA is the largest organization in the western hemisphere dedicated to the establishment of the saxophone as a medium of serious musical expression.