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Locking fingers

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Locking fingers

Friday, October 30, 2009 3:53 PM
Author: Not Found

Colleagues, I'm starting to notice several of my several are having difficulty with technical passages that involve both little "pinky" fingers. I think the problem is related to weak muscles that control those fingers. They straighten the finger, locking the middle joint almost to the point of hyperextension. Then, they bend the top joint at nearly a 90 degree angle. I've tried getting them to use their fingertips, but one of my students has actually worked to the point of cramps in his hand. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions to this physical problem, other than just the time to build that muscle in the hand? Thanks, Jeff


Friday, October 30, 2009 8:18 PM
Author: Josh Meyers

I have spent time working on the page of low register exercises in the Larry Teal Workbook and found them helpful. First, have your students finger through the exercises slowly, without playing, so they have an opportunity to really watch their hands. Next, have the student practice in front of the mirror so he can watch his hands while playing. You might consider having him come up with an exercise on his own to practice keeping his hands relaxed. Good Luck Nicolas

Saturday, October 31, 2009 2:07 AM
Author: Robert Ward

Try using a ball. This is a great strategy used by piano teachers and students, but should be just as effective in developing hand/finger placement for young saxophonist. Finger placement and technique resembles throwing a ball. Give it a try; I think you will be impress with the results. Sincerely, Keith Gamble, Saxophonist Booking/Info: (313)330-0346 email website creativetradition.tripod.com "Gamble soaring on tenor sax like Sunny Rollins" Muskegon Chronicle

Friday, November 6, 2009 1:42 PM
Author: Shane Maddox

I used to have this when I was younger and starting off on the sax. Using a ball or a squeeze cushion to reinforce the muscles was helpful. I eventually grew out of the problem which left my teacher confounded. ;)

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