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Forums — Solo
Works by Composer Chris Wind

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Works by Composer Chris Wind

Friday, July 24, 2009 5:46 PM
Author: Ryan Hauser

I'm posting this at the request of a composer who is not (yet) a NASA member, but wants folks to be aware of his work: [I]Hello everyone! Please consider this an invitation to visit my newly completed website - website - at which you'll find three pieces for solo sax (see the "Ruby Rose" album). The first is performed to a background of rain (but could be performed as a pure solo), the second is actually a duet with wolves, and the third is a duet with loons. You can listen to the pieces at my site (and download the mp3s, for free, if you like). For those interested in performing the pieces, the backgrounds are also available for free download at the site, and scores are available directly from me (chriswind@zworg.com). Performers might also be interested in "Paintings" - electronic backgrounds composed for foregrounds of improvisation by any solo acoustic instrument. chris wind[/I]


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