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Composer Russell Peck missing

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Composer Russell Peck missing

Thursday, March 5, 2009 8:33 PM
Author: David Foley

FYI, > I don’t know if folks have heard, but Russell Peck, wonderful composer of works such as “The Thrill of the Orchestra” and “The Glory and the Grandeur” > > and friend/colleague for so many of us, has been missing from his home since this past Sunday. He seems to have gone for a walk near a city park in his hometown of Greensboro, NC, on Sunday afternoon. A strong winter storm passed through there on Sunday night, so there is grave concern. > > > > I’ve attached a news report link below. > > > > Please keep Russell, his wife Cameron, and their family in your thoughts and prayers. > > > > website > > > > Peace, > Robert Moody > > Music Director, The Portland Symphony Orchestra > > Music Director, The Winston-Salem Symphony > > Artistic Director, Arizona Musicfest


Friday, March 6, 2009 7:24 AM
Author: Stacey Shymko

That's terrible! Let's all say a prayer for his safety. They are still searching. website

Russell Peck
Saturday, March 7, 2009 8:11 PM
Author: Mauricio Aguero

I received a very nice email from Russell on Friday, Feb. 27. Please keep us informed of developments. His work, [U]The Upward Stream[U] was brought to my attention last month, and he responded very pleasantly to my inquiries. Pat Mann email

Russell Peck
Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:33 AM
Author: Not Found

Tragically, Russell Peck has been found dead today. I received this news from Jim Houlik who had told me of the situation earlier this week, so I believe it to be accurate. My prayers go out to his family and those who loved him as well as his music. Cliff Leaman

Monday, March 9, 2009 12:07 AM
Author: Adam Risch

A sad day. website

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