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Miles' MOSAX Meyer Mouthpiece (M4) read on!

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Miles' MOSAX Meyer Mouthpiece (M4) read on!

Friday, December 30, 2011 3:05 PM
Author: Ryan Dahir

Students, Colleagues and Saxophone Enthusiasts!

Now available – “Miles’ MOSAX Meyer Mouthpiece” (M4)

These are Meyer mouthpieces that I have personally play-tested and chosen at the JJ Babbitt factory in Elkhart, IN.  They have also been tweaked to my specifications.  The “tweaking” is a rolling off of the backside of the baffle, which opens up the sound and feel for me.  These are available for public consumption at DON WILSON MUSIC in Lexington, KY.  Please contact them at 859.278.7459 (EST), or visit the store at 275 Southland Dr.  They are available (hard rubber/alto only) in 6M & 7M small chamber.  Each piece comes with a personalized mouthpiece patch and MOSAX stamped on the upper shank.  This truly is a custom, handmade mouthpiece for the incredible price of $107.00.  When you contact Don Wilson, please tell them I told you to call so you can receive the price.


Happy Saxophoning!

Miles Osland

Recording Artist

Selmer Clinician/Artist

Professor of Saxophone


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