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University of Kentucky graduate assistant vancancy

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University of Kentucky graduate assistant vancancy

Monday, November 7, 2011 3:54 AM
Author: Ryan Dahir










STIPEND:  A Full Graduate Assistantship provides an annual stipend of approximately $9,950 (Master’s) to $10,500 (Doctoral) plus full in-state and out-of-state tuition.  A half assistantship provides a stipend of approximately $4975 (Masters) to $5250 (Doctoral) for entering students, to which are added tuition scholarships covering one half of both in-state and out-of-state tuition. Assistantships are usually renewable for one additional year for master’s students and two additional years for doctoral students.


DUTIES:  Assistantship duties may include teaching applied saxophone majors, minors, a saxophone methods class and, depending upon qualifications, coaching a saxophone quartet and/or a Mega-Sax (SuperSax style) ensemble.  Other opportunities such as assisting with the direction of the University of Kentucky Lab Band may be assigned depending upon experience.


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS:  The University of Kentucky offers both the M.M. and D.M.A. degrees in saxophone performance.


PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES:  Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Jazz Combo, Saxophone Quartet and Mega-Sax.  Studio Instruction with an emphasis in classical and jazz performance is available for all degree programs.


ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, LEXINGTON, AND THE BLUEGRASS:  The University of Kentucky has about 25,000 students on its Lexington campus and Medical Center. With a 7-1 student to teacher ratio, the School of Music provides personal attention with small classes and much individual instruction, while maintaining all the advantages and resources of a major university.  An internationally renowned teaching and performing faculty provides the basic instruction for all students.  This faculty consists of 45 full-time members and 30 part-time instructors and teaching assistants.  Lexington, the heart of the Bluegrass, is known for its beautiful scenery, horse farms, thriving economy, planned growth, and cultural heritage.  Combined with the artistic and intellectual community of the University of Kentucky, Lexington has become a mecca for college and career.


for further information, please contact:

Miles Osland                                                                                                                         Dr. Lance Brunner

Professor of Saxophone                                                                                   Director of Graduate Studies

University of Kentucky                                                                                             University of Kentucky

105 Fine Arts Building                                                                                                  105 Fine Arts Building

Lexington, Kentucky  40506-0022                                                            Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0022

(859) 257-8173                                                                                                                              (859) 257-8181

email: miles.osland@uky.edu                                                                                 email: brunner@uky.edu


visit our website at:  www.uky.edu/FineArts/Music




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