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Saxophone Consortium

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Saxophone Consortium

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:41 PM
Author: Andrea Moreno

I wanted to share that, after reading Connie Frigo's Sax Journal articles on Kickstarter, I used it to create a consortium to support the creation of a new arrangement of Poet and Peasant Overture for 12-saxophones.  


I am happy to say that my project has been funded at 107% so far, with a few more days before the project "closes."  If you are looking for some support to bring new repertoire to the saxophone, I recommend giving this a try.  If you want to see what my project looked like, you can visit it at 

If you visit kickstarter.com and search for "saxophone" and "sax," you'll see many other projects that were funded.  Good luck to all, and a thanks to Connie for her articles.




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