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Saxophone Fingering Font

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Saxophone Fingering Font

Friday, February 24, 2012 5:39 PM
Author: Jodi Slagel

Greetings All,  I designed a font for creating saxophone fingering diagrams that can be used in Word, Finale, and many other programs, and now I'd like to make it available to anyone interested.  This came about because my previous solution, a PowerPoint graphic of a saxophone tablature, just became too unwieldy and unpredictable when I tried to use it with Finale for making some training aids.  With this font, I can literally "type" the fingering in, either as an articulation or as a lyric.  In Word, I can even use colors to indicate certain actions for specific keys.

   The font is fairly intuitive: to fill in a part of the diagram, you generally use the finger you would use to press the key on the saxophone, ex. "f" is for the first finger LH, ";" is the fourth finger RH, and so on.  Also, the keys are laid out to correspond to what a player would see looking at a mirror, or visualizing the keys through the body of the horn.  Unfortunately, I cannot upload the font itself because of file extension restrictions, but I have included the instruction file.  If you would like to try it out, contact me and I will gladly send you the .ttf file.

   Also, I would appreciate any feedback you may have for improving the font, as well as any creative ways of using it you may discover.  Thanks!


Tim Owen



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