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Graduate Questions/Concerns

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Graduate Questions/Concerns

Sunday, January 4, 2009 2:49 AM
Author: Not Found

I am currently a Senior Music Education Major looking to graduate and continue with life, however, there are choices I need to make. I want to continue my education for a M.M. preferably in Conducting, and I have been told by some people to look into continuing in Music Education. They have a strong argument because one of my most focused goals is to teach High School Band. The biggest response I receive is, "How will conducting help you be a better educator?" I have no objections going after the MM Music Education, Im just not sure if that's what I really want to do. I spent the last four years learning music education, why not go after something different. I have close family members saying look into one program while professors at school say the opposite. I am looking for comments and any helpful arguments or suggestions. I am trying to not be close minded. Thanks all who reply!


Sunday, January 4, 2009 2:50 AM
Author: Patrick McCulley

Dear eupsax97, Truth be told, I don't think there is a correct answer to your question. Whom among us has a crystal ball? For what it is worth, however, I would opt for whatever is most likely to stir your musical passion. There are too many educators out there that can't communicate the joy and excitement of music to their students. I think that whatever makes you a better musician will also make you a better teacher. I always wished that I had taken more conducting classes. Consider teaching for a year or two before doing your masters too. What's the rush? Best wishes, Steve

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 1:42 PM
Author: Linscheid Library

Dear eupsax97, I think experience teaching will help you in your future decisions. If you are uncertain to what will help you develop as a musician and a music educator, take some time and apply what you have learned already and develop those talents. I found from my own teaching experience that I developed more as an individual musician when I was teaching 5 - 12 band than when I was an undergraduate. You're own your own, you need to get the concert ready, and I'm sure you care about your students. Necessity is a great teacher. If you are interested in conducting this will also give you a chance to develop your own ideas about conducting, familiarity with lots of literature, and interact with others music educators that have been doing this for years. Then again, after being in a school, you may feel music education will be the right course for an advanced degree. Either way, when you return to graduate school you will have real experiences that you can bring to the academics and make your future studies more meaningful and useful. Three to four years (or more) is really not that long in your career. Good luck! Aaron

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 4:14 PM
Author: Not Found

"How will conducting help you be a better educator?" Depending on where you end up, much of your time teaching will be spent on the podium. If you can make yourself a more effective communicator with the baton, then your students will gain more from each rehearsal. Be careful taking a 5 - 12 grade job to see what you like/dislike or feel you want to improve upon-it may inspire you to get a MM and DMA in performance:) Colin

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