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Spring Break Study Abroad/Professional Development Opporunity in Paris

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Spring Break Study Abroad/Professional Development Opporunity in Paris

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 1:40 PM
Author: Zack Jones

This spring, I will again be offering my course "The Saxophone in Paris; Then and Now." This is an excellent, one-week study abroad or professional development opportunity for saxophonists. We spend seven days in Paris visiting sites of interest to saxophonists, interacting with French experts and playing a couple of concerts. Dates for this year are March 8-14, 2009. Last year we visited the Selmer factory, Vandoren, Adolphe Sax's grave (and more), and had interactions with Claude Delangle, Jean-Michel Goury and Jean-Marie Londeix. See my website for more details on last year's activities and for more information on this year's program (fees, travel planning, etc.). Enrollment is limited to 15 and will fill up fast, so let me know as soon as you can if you'd like to join us. Last year we had four professionals and 10 students from 8 states and Canada. Thanks, Jonathan Helton Univeristy of Florida email 352-273-3179


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 2:27 PM
Author: Zack Jones

Here's the web site: website

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