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Returning to Music

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Returning to Music

Saturday, May 3, 2008 9:55 PM
Author: Andrew Janak

I am a new member (actually former member rejoining), and just wanted to introduce myself to the community. I am currently in the U. S. Navy and have been away from the saxophone and music for almost two years. I have realized that leaving saxophone was possibly the biggest mistake I had ever made, and as soon as I get back from over seas, will be picking up the axe, and spending my remaining time in the service preparing for graduate school auditions. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma with Dr. Gail Hall in 2006. I hope to become a regular contributar to this forum, and cant wait to attend my first conference since undergrad work. Any advice you can give about "getting back on the horse that threw you" would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to being welcome back into the music and saxophone community. Michael Christensen United States Navy USS FORT MCHENRY (LSD 43) email email


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