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World Saxophone Congress XV

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World Saxophone Congress XV

Monday, March 24, 2008 5:05 PM
Author: Shawn Oliver

Hello Everyone, This is an announcement to let you know that the official website for World Saxophone Congress XV to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, summer of 2009 is now up and running. There are guidelines and forms for submitting applications for performances including Concerto performances. Dr. Sugree Charoensook, director of the College of Music at Mahidol University will be host and the artistic director will be Shyen Lee, Professor of Saxophone at Mahidol University. For your information, Thailand is truly an amazing country with wonderful people and world class hotels and restaurants. Prices are very reasonable for just about everything in Thailand. WSC XV promises not only to be a great musical experience, but also a great opportunity to experience the spectacular sights and hospitality of this most interesting country. I urge you to make plans now to attend WSC XV. The website is: [URL="http://www.wscxv.org"]www.wscxv.org[/URL] I look forward to seeing you all in Bangkok in 2009. All best wishes, Roger Greenberg For the Advisory Committee for World Saxophone Congress XV Dr. Sugree Charoensook, Host Shyen Lee, Artistic Director Eugene Rousseau, Advisory Committee Jean-Marie Londeix, Advisory Committee Roger Greenberg, Advisory Committee William Street, Advisory Committee Wisit Chitrangsan, Project Manager Chee Meng Low, Operation Manager


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