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Forums — Concerto
Boutry Divertimento?

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Boutry Divertimento?

Thursday, November 18, 2010 4:51 PM
Author: Ryan Hauser

I've just had a student win a concerto spot on the Boutry. I know that it was written as a concerto, and there are several [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HThG3bm9ho&feature=related"]YouTube performances[/URL] of it. That said, we are having trouble tracking it down. It's a Leduc publication, but not sure if it is a purchase or rental, or who would distribute in the U.S.


Leduc Rentals
Thursday, November 18, 2010 5:22 PM
Author: Shad Frazier

Contact Alphonse Leduc - Robert King Inc. in North Easton, MA, for information. Tel 508 238-8118. Email email Gary +------------------------------------------------------------------ | Gary Van Cott - Van Cott Information Services, Inc. | Woodwind and Brass: Books, Music, CDs and More | website --> VISA MasterCard Discover AmExp <-- | P.O. Box 9569, Las Vegas, NV 89191, USA | Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 Email: email +------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, November 18, 2010 6:05 PM
Author: Ryan Hauser

[QUOTE=gary;1151]Contact Alphonse Leduc - Robert King Inc. in North Easton, MA, for information. Tel 508 238-8118. Email email Gary +------------------------------------------------------------------ | Gary Van Cott - Van Cott Information Services, Inc. | Woodwind and Brass: Books, Music, CDs and More | website --> VISA MasterCard Discover AmExp <-- | P.O. Box 9569, Las Vegas, NV 89191, USA | Phone: 702-438-2102 Fax: 801-650-1719 Email: email +------------------------------------------------------------------[/QUOTE] Thanks very much! JR

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