Forums — Concerto
Scores to Lazar Concerto?

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Scores to Lazar Concerto?
Monday, April 7, 2008 1:49 PM
Author: Not Found
My saxophone quartet is in a bit of a bind. We need two more original scores for Milko Lazar's [I]Concerto for Saxophone Quartet No. 1[/I] for competitions. We actually need them before the biennial, as we are competing in the Coleman Chamber Music Competition this coming weekend. I ordered the two additional scores in February, but they have not arrived yet. No library in the United States seems to own the piece.
We would like to borrow two copies of the score to this piece. Does anyone own this piece, and if so, would you be willing to send it to me by overnight mail? I will, of course, reimburse you for shipping. Please either reply to this message or (preferably) e-mail me at email.
Thank you,
Andrew Brobston
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