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Slap Tongue

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Slap Tongue

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:17 AM
Author: Jonathan Hulting-Cohen

Can anyone offer help for the slap tongue section in Tull's Sarabande and Gigue. I am playing it in about a month for my audition at Duquesne University and i still can't get that section all the time.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010 4:39 PM
Author: Lucas Hopkins

Best of luck in your slap tongue work. Don't be too disappointed if things don't go well. I've been trying to slap tongue for DECADES to no avail. I literally think you are born (or not) with the ability to slap tongue. For those that can do it, it's easy. Only one guy in my quartet can slap tongue, and he is always lording it over us. When faced with a slap tongue, I have to just play a very percussive attack. I (and many others) have had NUMEROUS people try to teach us.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:42 PM
Author: Mark Overton

I also struggle with developing the slap tongue! Finding another saxophonist that is proficient in the technique was a help to me, and may also help you as well. I also found a very good visual teaching aid on saxophonist Erik Ronmark's Website: website With an audition looming a month away, the prudent thing may be to plan on playing the slap tongued notes short, as Reg Jackson suggested, and continue developing the technique for the next time you perform the piece. Good Luck to you ! Bob Beeson

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 5:30 PM
Author: Stacey Shymko

The PDF on the previous post is great! I will add the following two videos to the mix. I taught myself how to Slap over the summer two years ago, so I know that ANYONE can learn how to do it! You might want to get yourself a plastic reed because I broke many in my initial attempts. :D website website

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