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Forums — Concerto
Mystery Rhapsody?

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Mystery Rhapsody?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 5:09 AM
Author: Not Found

I recently toured Hawaii with a local high school band and we were delighted to attend a concert by the Royal Hawaiian Band. They had a phenomenal Alto Sax soloist who performed a Rhapsody for Alto and Wind Ensemble. I've been trying to find this piece but to no avail. The composer's last name is "Go" and I was wondering if anyone has performed/heard this piece and where I might be able to purchase it for my band. Even if I could just find the full name of the composer, I would be a step closer to this piece. Is anyone familiar with this piece or the composer?


Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:36 PM
Author: Dr. Sonny Burnette

I assume that you've gotten in touch with the band and asked? website

Monday, August 11, 2008 1:52 AM
Author: Sean Riley

I believe the piece you're looking for is called [I]Rhapsodie for Alto Saxophone[/I] by Goh Mizawa. It was originally written for Gabe Baltazar (former lead alto with Stan Kenton) as a feature piece when Gabe was in the Royal Hawaiian Band. The piece is comprised of four well known Hawaiian Songs, but really calls for the performer to make it work. I do not believe it is published and I am not sure how one may obtain a copy. I will try to find out more information.

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