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2011 AGIMUS International Music competition results

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2011 AGIMUS International Music competition results

Tuesday, August 2, 2011 9:12 PM
Author: David Foley

Saxophonist Joseph Michael Tomasso is the Winner of the 2011 9th International Music Competition Premio "Citta di Padova" and Winner the 9th International Edition of "Premio Virtuoso" Competition - both competitions are sponsored by the AGIMUS Association of Young Musicians in Italy. Joe was the winner of the Winds Division (98/100), winner of the Final Round, and also the winner of the Virtuoso Competition (only the second time in the history of the competition for the same person to win both categories and the first wind instrumentalist to do so and the first saxophonist to win a single category). In addition to the cash prizes, Joe will be given a 5 concert tour of Europe (3 concerts in Italy, 2 concerts in Germany) and a journalistic interview in an Italian music publication. Joe and his primary instructor, Debra Richtmeyer will have their names inscribed in gold in the AGIMUS registry of honor. Joe holds a Bachelor Music degree in Saxophone from the University of Illinois (2006) and a Master of Music degree in Woodwind Performance (Oboe Emphasis) from the University of North Carolina Greensboro (2008). Joe was Visiting Lecturer in Saxophone, University of Florida (2010-2011) and plays 2nd Clarinet / Per Service Saxophone in the Gainesville Chamber Orchestra. Joe performed the following repertoire in the competitions: Fuzzy Bird Sonata (entire work) Tableaux de Provence (entire work) Adios Nonino (Piazolla) Improvisation et Caprice (Bozza) Fantasy on an original theme (Demersseman) Variations Pathetiques (final movement)


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