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e-sax mute

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e-sax mute

Monday, August 31, 2009 8:50 PM
Author: Andrew Janak

I just bought the e-sax mute, and aside from it making you look absolutely ridiculous while practicing it actually works suprisingly well. I was wondering if anyone else owns one and has an opinion on it. My main criticisms of the e-sax mute are that the low stack is practically unplayable and mechanism exercises are needlessly difficult because of restricted movement. But its main purpose is to mute the sound to make practice sessions less annoying to your neighbors, and in that regard it works very well. Regardless of these minor set-backs, I personally think this is a pretty interesting addition to the saxophone accessories. It certainly is useful for people living in apartments - i must say. Does anyone else own one of them? Would you recommend it to others?


Tuesday, September 1, 2009 12:24 AM
Author: Adam Risch

This is especially great for playing Sydney Hodkinson's "Three Dance Preludes" (alto saxophone and piano), seriously under-appreciated and underperformed because of its requiring a mute system such as this. Check it out. Unfortunately, the e-sax mute is an expensive device, but if you have access to one, it puts this piece in your reach.

Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:31 AM
Author: Not Found

See our line of saxophone mutes at website

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